Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Change We Can Believe In...has actually happenned

Well, well, well. The Election day has finally come to an end and Americans all across the United States are celebrating. Barack Obama is officially the President of the United States of America. What an epic election—first black male candidate versus oldest white male candidate whose running mate was a white female…things couldn’t have gotten any more interesting. Everyone has been desperate for change—“a change we can believe in”—since before I can remember. Now that Bush and his team are ousted from the White House it is about time for that change to take place with the election of a new political party and a new face in politics—Obama.

I’m going to be honest and admit that I voted for McCain. I figured since I am not the one out of my family that is going to be affected by taxes I should vote in favor of whatever will enhance my parents’ budget; thus, the obvious decision for me was to vote for McCain who wasn’t planning on raising taxes.

Despite my opposing desire for the outcome of this election, I know that in my heart Obama will make for a great president. A young, fresh and innovative black male who will bring new ideas to the table is just what we need. Obama will provide our country with an economic, cultural and societal jumpstart to get things running smoothly again.

Congratulations Barack Obama. I am eager to see what the future holds for you and our nation.

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