Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It's obvious that our country's economy is falling apart. Citizens are losing their jobs, families are being stripped of their homes and belongings, food prices are skyrocketing, gas prices are absurdly high and even the search for gas has become incredibly challenging. We are living in a frightening economic situation that not even the wealthiest of Americans feel comfortable in. This past Monday, September 29, 2008, the stock market dropped 725 points which is a huge loss for our free market system as well as our economy as a whole. The Bailout plan was devised by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and the Bush administration; the plan encompassed "giving" $700 billion to the banks. The Bailout bill has outraged a lot of the American public because this $700 billion is being taken directly from each taxpayers' pocket and Americans don't understand why our government would ever even think about giving money back to the source of the problem of the economic crisis--the banks. There are many factors that have contributed to this economic crisis, but I think one main issue is the problem of people buying houses that they know they will ultimately foreclose, which forces theses houses to sit on the stagnant market and decrease in value. Thus, the banks held "assets", referring to these worthless houses, and while knowing this the banks continued to claim these as assets. Can we trust the banks enough to give them more money to circulate throughout our economy? Should Obama and McCain be focusing on the economic crisis or their political standings in the United States?


Tommy said...


Just to clarify, DOW Jones Industrial, not the stock market, fell drastically on Monday nearly 780 points, not 725. Your reference to the bailout plan works well, but the economic crisis is extremely complex. Do you think factors other than poor banking practices contributed to the economic crisis? Additionally, at the end of your post, you ask what Obama and McCain should focus on. Obviously they both should focus on the economic crisis, but are Obama and McCain focusing on this crisis? Thanks.

Revan said...


I like your opinion on our nation's economy. However, do you feel that the banks are more responsible for the economic situation or is it because of other factors which you have not mentioned yet?


Student said...

I think this is a very interesting topic that requires more understanding than I currently have. What I do not understand is why so many are against the bailout. Whether we like it or not it is necessary at this time so that we can continue to somewhat ensure our quality of life. And even if people don't like the first plan I believe that within a week or so there will be another just like it and it will probably get approved.

Rinna said...

I think the bailout plan is the most ridiculous idea EVER! Not only is it giving the money right back to the same people who created the problem. We also are not benefiting from this change, at all. It messes up a lot of the changes the candidates are trying to make. i.e HEALTH CARE
(read my blog) :)

Tommy said...

Edit: Here's the link for the stock market drop.,0,5661683.story
