Thursday, October 16, 2008

Theory Post: A Compromise

The new issue posed for the presidential election of this year, being the Rescue bill, was a fairly non-polarized, agreeable issue between the two candidates. Both McCain and Obama supported the passage of the bill; however, Obama has a more precise plan for tackling the economy if elected than McCain's plan.

Obama's economic jumpstart plan includes the creation of jobs through organizations such as the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, tax relief for the middle class through his plan "Making Work Pay", and the protection of homeownership through his universal mortgage credit plan.
McCain's economic jumpstart plan is vague and unthoughtful. His national website only focuses on his past experience as a Senator and his past contributions as a Senator.

McCain and Obama also agree that they should stabilize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they are both influential in the housing market. While both candidates agree that the passage of the Rescue bill was a good idea, but McCain has yet to inform the public on how else he is planning on revamping the economy if he is elected President

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